
Save The Dates May 17,18 & 19

James Madison HS 65th Reunion

A Blast From The Past Let The Good Times Roll

Friday (daytime): choice of: trip to Madison to meet with students or lunch and tour of permanent collection at NY Historical Society

Friday evening at the Bryant Park Grill, Cocktail Party 5:30, Optional Dinner 7:00

Saturday: THE GALA at The Players Club: 5:00 Cocktails, 6:00 Time to PARTY till 9:00

Sunday: 10:00 Breakfast at the Doubletree in Chelsea, 1130 trip to Brooklyn: Navy Yard, Brooklyn Heights, Nathans, the Boardwalk, Madison neighborhoods and Industry City.

Questions: Please contact Myron (Myronkalin@msn.com) or Judy (Goldrock524@msn.com)

Click here for more details

The Headlines of 1959

Alaska Becomes the 49th State - New York Times

Fidel Castro sworn in as prime minister - History Channel

Tibetan Uprising - History.com

Dalai Lama's Exile - History.com

Hawaii Becomes the 50th State - History.com

"The Day the Music Died" - American Songwriter

Able and Baker - Space Monkeys - National Air and Space Museum

Pioneer 4 Spacecraft - NASA

St. Lawrence Seaway Completed - Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System

Vanguard 2 Weather Satellite - Drew Ex Machina

Billboard Number One Hits Jan and June of 1959

Top Movies of 1959

Mickey Greenberg’s Collection of Poems

As part of our 65th reunion, the Class of ’59 would like to share Mickey Greenberg’s poetic reflections on life in Brooklyn when we were growing up in the 1950’s and on the aging process that we are all experiencing (or will in the future).

Michael (Mickey) Greenberg, class of ’59, is probably the best basketball player who didn’t make the Madison varsity team. At Harpur College his basketball skills matured to a very high level. During his four years as a guard on the basketball squad, he was a 1,000 point scorer, achieving the total in just 60 career games. For his accomplishments he was named back-to-back Harpur College “Athlete of the Year” in 1961-62 and 1962-63, and he was inducted into the Harpur Hall of Fame in 1996. Mickey majored in biology and graduated from Harpur in 1963.

Following his illustrious career at Harpur, Mickey played professional basketball for the Washington Generals against the Harlem Globetrotters in the 1968/‘69 season.

He returned to Harpur and took English graduate courses and received his teaching certificate in English. In 1970, he married Stacey Grangnelli and they have four children and now 5 grandchildren. He taught English at Vestal High School in upstate New York for 34 years in addition to coaching baseball and basketball.

Mickey started writing poems when Aging arrived at his door. His poems look back on both sad and joyful times and putting his perspective in poetic words that often feel like Mickey has read your mind. Hopefully, these poems will stir up memories and emotions of your own, especially those times growing up in Brooklyn and aging wherever you are.

Link to the collection of Mickey Greenberg’s poems.

Volume I

Volume II


Richard D. Gitlin ‘59

School Newspapers From September 1958 to June 1959